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Showing posts from 2013

Budget AMD Build: Part 1 (2013-14 ~250$)

Here is the list of ordered parts, you will realize there is a problem with them, in the fact the case is to small for the motherboard, but I am making modifications to allow it to fit, and if Its not the best I will use a snazzy old 1998 desktop case for that quality, high performance look, heh. Motherboard  Fm2 1 PCI-E 2.0 16x CPU  3.6ghz Dual Core Case (To be changed)  + 250W PSU RAM  Single stick to start off this build GPU  6670 2gb (Link is only for 1gb) End price ~250$ I am not exactly sure what the performance of this build will be, but its not going to be amazing, but its a budget build so we will see. Benchmarks to come once I get all the pieces, stay tuned!

New AMD Computer Build

Hello everyone, Just recently I ordered some parts to build a budget build thats sized like a micro ATX, The parts list; Motherboard: MSI-FM2-A55-E33 CPU: A6-5600k GFX: 6670 2gb Case: Mini ATX RAM: 4gb 1600mhz Corsair PSU: Generic 250W (Getting replaced asap) Will review real soon, stay tuned for more!! :)

Is the PS4 worth it?

I recently purchased a ps4 and wanted to share my feelings about its "worth" to everyone. I purchased the 499$ bundle which came with Battlefield 4 and a years worth of PSN+, I luckily snagged an order the launch day on amazon so I was only a few days behind the rest of people. After getting it surprisingly fast (ordered friday got to my house on monday), I plugged it in and booted it up. What came next was interesting, a decent amount of people had hdmi issues, or they had other issues including getting a console dead on arrival. My console during setup had some issues, at least with the hdmi cable that it came with it, I had a slight heart attack as my signal went from clear to fuzz to clear again. I switched the provided cable with my wii-u's gray cable and it works perfectly! I have had only a single freeze in my whole playing experience which beats my ps3, and so far no overheating or other issues. Now should you get it? If the fear of something going wrong with th...

Game Reviews

Hey everyone thought id post and give you the opportunity to check out my other blog where I review games! I just recieved a ps4 and I plan on reviewing Contrast, Battlefield 4, Warframe, and Blacklight. If you would like to check that out visit More new tech info to come! (My controller with its super dust attracting base)

Circuit Scribe

A new take on circuits, this simple roller-ball pen allows you to draw on paper and create circuits in seconds. Similar products are not nearly as functional on normal paper because of how long they take to dry, and how much product you actually have to use making the circuits. The price for a single pen is 20$ which is a bit expensive for a single pen but it should last a good while!

Internet Anywhere

Imagine you live in the middle of nowhere or you are travelling into a rural area, you dont expect to have internet access right? Well now a few companies including google have developed systems using balloons and high speed internet containers to provide internet practically anywhere its needed. This can be very helpful after disasters, providing a connection in hard to reach areas and has tons of other applications.

Google Chromecast

The Google Chromecast is for the people who want to turn their ordinary flat screen tv into a smart tv, so sorry for everyone still using those big ol' crt tvs (thats me). The dongle is $35 and is very small, including the hdmi extender and charging cable. This little device will be able so stream content from your mobile devices or directly from your chrome browser on a pc/mac. Opinions: I personally don't think most should get this unless they are a die hard fan of chrome and google for the fact that you can get android computers with a very similar form factor, expandable memory, extra ports, and most likely a faster processor for only about double the price. Android hdmi dongles have been around for awhile now and are pretty popular and effective so I don't really see to much of a point to the chromecast but its still young and could have some tricks up its sleeves.

Ps4 Friends List

Do you have a gratuitous amount of friends and hope to keep track of them? Well the Ps4 is allowing 2000 friends on your list for an unparamounted amount of companions. This is vastly more than any previous console on the market, including steam which is on the pc. It should be interesting if they eventually change the amount or if they will keep the very high number, I guess we'll just have to wait and see but I hope they keep 2000 :D

Glass Up

You like google glass? You on a budget like most of humanity? Well GlassUp is a viable option for you! GlassUp is similar to google glass but a big difference is going to be the price! Each device has the ability to connect to the internet and give you directions to locations, show you incoming messages, and tons of internet connected options. Sadly the GlassUp does not come with a camera, but it is half the price so if its an issue you might want to go for google glass. The producers of GU are willing to make a new model with more advanced features in the future if their current model is a success which it should be. You do not have to look to the right to read your messages, but they appear right in the center of your vision, not too intrusive as there is opacity set to the text but it allows you to continue with your work instead of looking off to the side which if you are doing very sight intensive work this might be very handy to have. I for one cant wait to see some demos of this...

Real Life Auto-Correction "Lernstift"

Kickstarter is one of my favorite websites to find awesome projects, including some very neat technology and this may be a device that revolutionizes written language. The lernstift was created by some brilliant german inventors and made this glorious piece of tech. This device can tell you how well you are writing incase you have sloppy handwriting, it can also tell if you spelled a word wrong....Wow! It uses a motion sensor to track what you are writing and you can see your digital output on a computer as well. It vibrates to tell you that you have made a mistake, allowing you to look over what you did and fix it. Its an actually functioning pen, but you dont even have to write on paper, making letters in the air is still tracked and noticed! I feel this will be a really great tool for students who struggle to properly learn some more common words so they get used to them and wont be left in the past with a limited ability to spell. If they just have sloppy handwriting its got them c...

Windows 8.1 Update

Windows 8 is getting a new free update to Windows 8.1 come august, and a developer preview is out now for testing, coming in a 32-bit and 64-bit flavors sized at about 2.7Gb and 3.7Gb. The new update addresses some things that many people disliked with windows 8, its lack of a start button. Its not a complete overhaul but a sort of "service pack-ish" update with some slight improvement with hardware compatibility, optimizations, and some cosmetic updates as well. In my opinion this update is just more of a ploy for people to update to windows 8 and Microsoft can make a few more dollarydoos. Notable things that you might actually benefit from in this update, again just from my use with the OS, The start button, option to boot directly to desktop, upgraded settings, and if you like to make customize then you can change up your start screen a bit more. If you have windows 8 it will be a welcome update, not a must have especially if you have bandwidth limits or something simi...

Wireless Data Without Internet?

Yet another awesome creation from kickstarter the LibraryBox v2.0 this little device is your own little ftp server small enough you can carry it around, or mount almost anywhere! The LB2 is of course short range with the average range of a router but its your own portable host capable of holding whatever media you wish. I could see this being a new thing with the distro of public data and things that certain people might not want you to see *cough N S A cough*. It runs off of usb power so it takes very little power to run this guy so you could hide it in a tree with a battery or solar panel and let anyone access your content around it and it would be very difficult to track down and easily moved if found suspicious. There are some similar products out there but cost at least double the price of this and the creator tells you how to do it yourself (lots of steps  with terminal, warranty breaking stuff). Anyway if you are intrested why not go check out Jason Griffeys website:  h...

Google Glass Now Has A Web Browser!!

The newest update to the explorer glasses is that there is now an official web browser (instead of one they were trying to hide) Enhanced voice commands have also been added, but thats a bit secondary in my opinion. The update is still quite new and isn't available to everyone, so give it a bit and you should have some awesome new features to your Google Glass!

Apple Watch Finally Here?

Apple has filed a patent for the iWatch, do you think we are finally going to get an official apple watch, or do you think its just going to be one of their crazy patents they obtain so other companies cannot do the same??? Guess we'll just have to wait and find out!

Google Glass Prices?!?!

Recently Ive been looking into google glass as its an awesome new thing to hit the market, but to my surprise the demanding price is outrageous! They are in pre-production right now but you can still purchase them from people who are selling theirs on ebay, or other auction sites. How much do you think they are selling for? 300$ 500$ 1000$ No they are going for anywhere between 3,500-10,000 Dollars.... Thats insane!!! I hope the retail price is a lot lower!

Xbox One Vs. Ps4

We are on the cusp of the new consoles coming out, which have you decided to choose? Both are very capable consoles, Both equipped with 8 cores, 8 Gigs of ram, Radeon Graphics cards, and no drm now. Microsoft backpedaled on how they wanted their console to work even saying it was built around the drm and it had to happen, yah right!! Sony knows how to keep customers happy, they never had the drm issue, the PS4 is cheaper than the XBOX ONE, it is technically more powerful as well. One issue is if you want to play online you do have to pay 50 dollars a year for PSN+ but you get free content which makes up completely for it!